About Us

Charmandeanhistory.co.uk is run by a few residents of Charmandean, who are interested in the history of the area and wish to document and preserve it.

It is now over 50 years since the old house was demolished, and we want to record some of the memories, stories, and photos which will no doubt get lost as years progress.

If you are interested and have any comments about the site, or wish to contribute any photos, stories, and the like, then please feel free to contact us.

We are especially interested in photos of the Avenues in the early years, the driveway to Charmandean House, and would love to hear from anyone who remembers the house and what it was like.

We would like to express thanks to all those who have contributed to the site over the years.


Many thanks and hope you enjoy reading about the history of Charmandean.

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